If your home is too crowded . . .
You need an addition! Did you know that you can have an addition, even if you cannot expand your homes footprint?
Go up! We have added several partial second floors in the last few years for homeowners whose property (and the required setbacks) did not allow them to expand outward. One of the favorites has been installing a second floor over the garage. One reason for the desirability of this option is that you have room in the garage to install stairs without taking any space from the existing house, which may just not have any room to spare.
Hence the desire for an addition! No matter what your spatial needs, we can help you determine the best way expand your home. We have built as small as a large closet add-on to a large, 2-story addition set right next the existing house; expanding out and up!
Don’t despair over your cramped home; we can help you find a way to make more room.