Join the trend – make your home barrier-free
Why should you care? What is it? It’s not what homeowners looking to upgrade their homes usually think about – until they need it, that is.
Other names for barrier-free are Universal Design, and Aging-in-Place. It means designing a home and remodeled portions of it, to be accessible to anyone.
Imagine your elderly mom coming over for dinner; can she make it up the stairs without help? Can she get into the tub or shower alone (and who wants their grown kids helping them)?
It’s not only for the aging; anyone can seriously wish they had a barrier free shower – have you or any member of your family ever had a broken leg? It’s not easy taking a shower or washing your hair in a traditionally designed home.
So, when you consider that next remodel project, ask your contractor if there are some options that could be included that would improve accessibility in your home.
Our own DyLon McClary is certified in Aging-in-Place design for the bath and kitchen. Manufacturers are well aware of the many homeowners who are far-sightedly adding these features to their homes, knowing that if they ever need these features, they will be there. Products are now available in stylish finishes and designs, to blend with any style and decor.