Kitchen remodels – what to do?
One of the most under rated yet important elements of the modern kitchen is the quality of the exhaust fan. Cooking vapors are full of moisture and sometimes oils, and definitely smells. Some of those smells are wonderful, but sometimes not so much.
A properly sized exhaust system will pull the right amount of air out of the kitchen when cooking, and will keep the whole house smelling fresh. You may have a great broccoli recipe, but you don’t want the house to smell like broccoli an hour after the meal.
Today’s kitchen exhaust can be the traditional exhaust fan over the cooking area, or it can be a downdraft system, which hides all of the exhaust equipment below the counter.
If going for the traditional style, there are an amazing array of styles, some can be hung over a cooktop on a kitchen island, and others are installed against a wall.
Be sure to have whichever system you choose sized properly and installed by a professional, so that it will function as intended.