Now that fall is pretty much here –
The days are getting noticeably shorter! Not looking forward to that. Oh well, part of living in the northern hemisphere. Good old 48.7519 degrees N, 122.4787 degrees W (Bellingham, WA) So you may want to
The days are getting noticeably shorter! Not looking forward to that. Oh well, part of living in the northern hemisphere. Good old 48.7519 degrees N, 122.4787 degrees W (Bellingham, WA) So you may want to
When the nights start to get longer, we tend to turn inward into our homes, as we spend more time indoors. Number one is probably light! In Bellingham, it gets dark as early as 4:30
Have your heating system tuned up by a technician. If your home suffers from too many icicles in the winter, a home energy auditor or weatherization contractor can identify and fix air leaks and inadequate