What is greater than the perfect shower experience?
The demand for larger shower and the glamorous enclosures we all want continues to be strong, and more homeowners are requesting low threshold or no threshold showers. Why not? They look very stylish.
The shower can make a statement in the master bath, showcasing spectacular tile and gleaming fixtures. Every home’s shower is unique, because when you upgrade yours, it will reflect your tastes!
Combining some of the following popular trends will turn your shower into your own special place:
- Clear, minimal shower enclosures provide a minimal look and create a sense of openness.
- Minimal hardware delivers the clean, unobstructed view into the shower that many are seeking (and opening up the view from inside the shower looking out!)
- Some homeowners like the look of frosted glass and patterns on the glass that blur the interior and deliver privacy to the bather. (Contrary to item 2, I know, but the concept is to turn your shower into what YOU want.)
- Design trends such as the industrial look are influencing hardware and trim details, including door hardware.
What works for you? We all have a mental image of our perfect shower space; have that image come to life for you!