Love it or hate it, Whatcom county is still buried in snow
It’s all relative, right? What you are prepared for determines whether it’s a big thing or not. Many of our Bellinghamsters are avid skiiers or snowboarders, so many are OK with the snow, but for the rest . . . not so much. Schools have been closed for 3 days now, some buried in drifting snow; businesses have a hard time staying open if employees can’t make it to work on the snow roads. #snowpocalypse
If you have been confined to home base for the duration, you’ve had plenty of time to peruse the homestead and notice any, “ahem”, deficiencies. Cracks in the floor tile, walls that need repainting, cabinets that just don’t do it for you anymore; we are here for you.
You want to feel happy and content when home, so think about what you need done and then give us a call; bathrooms, kitchens, additions and decks; yes, summer will come!